Photodotes is a spatial installation that explores the manipulation of light in space, architectured to perform in 3 stages: collecting, transferring, and diffusing. Photodotes consists of elements of mixed materials that display light emission while being light-wired to two sources: daylight from outdoors and artificial light from indoor. The experimentation is a critique in phenomena related to lack of light, like the lack of vitamin D, depression, women’s cycle patterns irregularities, work separation from exterior conditions. By augmenting the individual and collective perceptual mechanism, Photodotes emphasizes how light’s relation to energy and the survival leads to well-being of people. Photodotes I was exhibited for 4 months as part of Garden Lab at MassArt, Boston in 2012. Photodotes is the plural form of the Greek: φωτοδότης = light donor. With Panagiotis Stamboulidis and George Toloudis
* Photo credits: all photos except figures 9 and 10 are from Dominic Tschoepe
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12