Optotopia II: The Disc is part of Optotopia exhibition of architectural apparatuses that interplay with light, vision, architecture, perception, and space through camera obscura techinques. Optotopia installations observe the light diffusion and reflection deriving out of the skylights and intervene by reflecting the images of the skylights and surrounding spaces. In Optotopia II, the hanging disc creates a shadow in the lighted space, in which the reflected image can be visible. Optotopia exhibition emphasizes the results of the existence of light; the characteristics of the relationships between light-materials, light-objects, light space, light-human; and the cognition/perception of concepts, being realized through vision and evolving through cognitive/brain procedures. In Optotopia exhibition, vision and image, either natural or artificial (constructed through visual arts, fiction, fantasy), play significant role for the production of space through the interventions. With: George Toloudis
* Photo credits: figures 2 to 4, 9 and the top are from Nikolaos Vlavianos, 5 and 7 from Dimitris Papanikolaou, and 8 from Kim Poliquin
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9